Nature & Travel

Poland’s second-largest river close to environmental disaster: experts

The River Oder, Poland’s second-longest river, may see a repeat of the environmental disaster that hit it in 2022 due to a lack of action by the Polish government, the Rzeczpospolita daily wrote on Thursday.

According to the experts cited by the daily, the threat of another catastrophe stems from high levels of salt in the river. The salt in the water is due to mining, but Rzeczpospolita added that authorities lack a plan to stop saline discharges from mining operations.

This could result in another environmental crisis for the river, similar to the one in the summer of 2022.

Almost two years ago, thousands of fish died due to the presence of a certain species of golden algae that produced dangerous toxins that polluted the environment.

The algae appeared in the river because of the presence of substantial amounts of salt caused by pollution resulting from human activity.

To compound the situation, the experts cited by the Rzeczpospolita said the algae have survived the winter and, because of the current legislation, it is the mines that are responsible for controlling the limits on the amount of discharge allowed into the river.

Although bodies like the Supreme Audit Office are monitoring institutions such as mines and government ministries to see if regulations are being adhered to, the experts fear too little is being done.
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