Privacy policy
Telewizja Polska Spółka Akcyjna (TVP S.A.) w Likwidacji respects and observes the rights of users to privacy. Below you will find information about how we collect, process and use information about the users of the TVP World English service operating as part of the portal and how we protect the personal data of the users by applying appropriate technological solutions.
Processing of personal data of the users of the portal
Personal data are any information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons. All personal data are collected, kept and processed in the portal in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 and the Act on Provision of Electronic Services of 18 July 2002. Provision of personal data is voluntary, however, detailed regulations can indicate personal data which must be provided in order to use the service stipulated therein. The data are protected against unauthorized access and used by TVP S.A. w Likwidacji solely for contact with the users, necessary as part of rendering a given service.
Personal data administrator
The personal data administrator is:
Telewizja Polska S.A. w Likwidacji
ul. Woronicza 17
00-999 Warszawa
Regon 010418973
Purpose of processing of personal data
The personal data are collected, kept and used by TVP S.A. w Likwidacji upon the consent of the persons whom they concern, in accordance with the law and in line with appropriate procedures and in a manner guaranteeing their security. The administrator can use the personal data solely and exclusively for the purpose of ensuring appropriate service of the portal’s users and communicating with the users who gave their consent.
Right to access one’s own personal data, to correct and delete them
The user has the right to have access to and to correct his own personal data provided to TVP S.A. w Likwidacji. Every person which gave its consent to have its personal data processed as part of the use of the services, applications or contests available on the portal can directly ask the portal’s administrator to allow it to access, correct or delete them by sending a message to the address:
Protection of the personal data being processed
The personal data filing system is treated as a highly secured database kept on a server protected against remote (IT) access as well a physical access. Moreover, every person processing the users’ personal data for the purposes of the portal has an appropriate authorization granted by the personal data administrator in line with Article 37 of the Personal Data Protection Act.
Processing of personal data of the users of the portal
Personal data are any information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons. All personal data are collected, kept and processed in the portal in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 and the Act on Provision of Electronic Services of 18 July 2002. Provision of personal data is voluntary, however, detailed regulations can indicate personal data which must be provided in order to use the service stipulated therein. The data are protected against unauthorized access and used by TVP S.A. w Likwidacji solely for contact with the users, necessary as part of rendering a given service.
Personal data administrator
The personal data administrator is:
Telewizja Polska S.A. w Likwidacji
ul. Woronicza 17
00-999 Warszawa
Regon 010418973
Purpose of processing of personal data
The personal data are collected, kept and used by TVP S.A. w Likwidacji upon the consent of the persons whom they concern, in accordance with the law and in line with appropriate procedures and in a manner guaranteeing their security. The administrator can use the personal data solely and exclusively for the purpose of ensuring appropriate service of the portal’s users and communicating with the users who gave their consent.
Right to access one’s own personal data, to correct and delete them
The user has the right to have access to and to correct his own personal data provided to TVP S.A. w Likwidacji. Every person which gave its consent to have its personal data processed as part of the use of the services, applications or contests available on the portal can directly ask the portal’s administrator to allow it to access, correct or delete them by sending a message to the address:
Protection of the personal data being processed
The personal data filing system is treated as a highly secured database kept on a server protected against remote (IT) access as well a physical access. Moreover, every person processing the users’ personal data for the purposes of the portal has an appropriate authorization granted by the personal data administrator in line with Article 37 of the Personal Data Protection Act.
Sharing of personal data
The personal data administrator does not convey (sell or lend in any way) the collected personal data of users of the portal to third parties. The data which the administrator may disclose to entities cooperating with him have a form of general statistical summaries not making it possible to identify individual users. For technical reasons the administrator may entrust, in line with Article 31 of the Personal Data Protection Act, another entity, by way of an agreement concluded in writing, with processing the data without changing the aforementioned purpose of processing them.
Processing of other data of the users of the portal
On the portal we also collect information contained in the system logs (for instance, IP address). They are used for technical purposes associated with administration of our servers. IP addresses are also used to collect general statistical demographic information about the portal’s visitors.
Protection of transmission
Data of particular importance – in particular, all types of passwords – are transmitted using an encrypted SSL protocol.
The personal data administrator does not convey (sell or lend in any way) the collected personal data of users of the portal to third parties. The data which the administrator may disclose to entities cooperating with him have a form of general statistical summaries not making it possible to identify individual users. For technical reasons the administrator may entrust, in line with Article 31 of the Personal Data Protection Act, another entity, by way of an agreement concluded in writing, with processing the data without changing the aforementioned purpose of processing them.
Processing of other data of the users of the portal
On the portal we also collect information contained in the system logs (for instance, IP address). They are used for technical purposes associated with administration of our servers. IP addresses are also used to collect general statistical demographic information about the portal’s visitors.
Protection of transmission
Data of particular importance – in particular, all types of passwords – are transmitted using an encrypted SSL protocol.
The portal does not automatically collect any information except for information contained in cookies. Cookies constitute IT data, in particular, text files which are stored in the end devices of the portal’s user (for instance, computer, cell phone) and are intended for the use of the portal’s websites and make it possible to read information contained in them only by a server which generated them, in this case TVP S.A. w Likwidacji. Cookies used by TVP S.A. w Likwidacji contain the name of the website from which they come, the duration for which they are stored on the end device and a unique number.
The entity placing cookies on the end device of the portal’s user and having access to them is the portal’s operator Telewizja Polska S.A. w Likwidacji with registered office in Warsaw at ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warszawa. Some of the information coming from the cookies stored on the end device of the portal’s user can also be disclosed to advertisers and partners cooperating with the portal’s operator. TVP S.A. w Likwidacji is not responsible for the contents of the cookies transmitted by other websites to which links are published on the websites of the portal.
We use cookies for the following purposes:
- to adapt the contents of the portal’s websites to the user’s preferences and to optimize the use of the websites; in particular, cookies make it possible to recognize the device of the portal’s user and to appropriately display the website adjusted to his individual needs;
- to generate statistics which help understand how the portal’s users use the websites, which makes it possible to improve their structure and content;
- to maintain the session of the portal’s user (after logging in), thanks to which the user does not have to enter the login and password again on every site of the portal;
- to remember the interactions being undertaken, for instance, answers given during online surveys;
- to deliver advertising contents better adjusted to the user’s interests.
The portal does not automatically collect any information except for information contained in cookies. Cookies constitute IT data, in particular, text files which are stored in the end devices of the portal’s user (for instance, computer, cell phone) and are intended for the use of the portal’s websites and make it possible to read information contained in them only by a server which generated them, in this case TVP S.A. w Likwidacji. Cookies used by TVP S.A. w Likwidacji contain the name of the website from which they come, the duration for which they are stored on the end device and a unique number.
The entity placing cookies on the end device of the portal’s user and having access to them is the portal’s operator Telewizja Polska S.A. w Likwidacji with registered office in Warsaw at ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warszawa. Some of the information coming from the cookies stored on the end device of the portal’s user can also be disclosed to advertisers and partners cooperating with the portal’s operator. TVP S.A. w Likwidacji is not responsible for the contents of the cookies transmitted by other websites to which links are published on the websites of the portal.
We use cookies for the following purposes:
- to adapt the contents of the portal’s websites to the user’s preferences and to optimize the use of the websites; in particular, cookies make it possible to recognize the device of the portal’s user and to appropriately display the website adjusted to his individual needs;
- to generate statistics which help understand how the portal’s users use the websites, which makes it possible to improve their structure and content;
- to maintain the session of the portal’s user (after logging in), thanks to which the user does not have to enter the login and password again on every site of the portal;
- to remember the interactions being undertaken, for instance, answers given during online surveys;
- to deliver advertising contents better adjusted to the user’s interests.
The portal uses two basic types of cookies:
- session cookies - temporary files which are stored in the user’s end device until he logs out, leaves the website or shuts down the software (web browser);
- persistent cookies - files which are stored in the user’s end device for a time set in the cookies’ parameters or until they are removed by the user.
Due to the purpose which the cookies serve, the portal uses the following types:
- necessary cookies making it possible to use the services offered by the portal, for instance, authentication cookies used in services requiring authentication as part of the portal;
- cookies used to ensure security, for instance, cookies used to detect misuse related to authentication as part of the portal;
- efficiency cookies making it possible to collect information about how the portal’s websites are used;
- functional cookies making it possible to “memorize” settings chosen by the user and to customize the user interface, for instance, with respect to the selected language or the area of origin, font size, display of the website and similar;
- statistical cookies used to generate statistics concerning the websites;
- advertising cookies making it possible to deliver advertising contents better adjusted to the user’s interests.
The end user may give his consent to cookies from the portal being stored on his end device through the settings of the software installed in the end telecommunication device used by him.
NOTE! In many cases the software used to browse the websites (web browser) allows by default to store cookies in the user’s end device. The portal’s users may change the settings concerning the cookies at any time. These settings can be changed, in particular, in such a manner so that automatic processing of cookies can be blocked in the web browser’s settings or so that each fact of the cookies being stored in the user’s device is communicated to the user. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software’s (web browser’s) settings. Please note that limitations in the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the portal’s websites.
More information about cookies is available in the “Help” section of the web browser menu.
- session cookies - temporary files which are stored in the user’s end device until he logs out, leaves the website or shuts down the software (web browser);
- persistent cookies - files which are stored in the user’s end device for a time set in the cookies’ parameters or until they are removed by the user.
Due to the purpose which the cookies serve, the portal uses the following types:
- necessary cookies making it possible to use the services offered by the portal, for instance, authentication cookies used in services requiring authentication as part of the portal;
- cookies used to ensure security, for instance, cookies used to detect misuse related to authentication as part of the portal;
- efficiency cookies making it possible to collect information about how the portal’s websites are used;
- functional cookies making it possible to “memorize” settings chosen by the user and to customize the user interface, for instance, with respect to the selected language or the area of origin, font size, display of the website and similar;
- statistical cookies used to generate statistics concerning the websites;
- advertising cookies making it possible to deliver advertising contents better adjusted to the user’s interests.
The end user may give his consent to cookies from the portal being stored on his end device through the settings of the software installed in the end telecommunication device used by him.
NOTE! In many cases the software used to browse the websites (web browser) allows by default to store cookies in the user’s end device. The portal’s users may change the settings concerning the cookies at any time. These settings can be changed, in particular, in such a manner so that automatic processing of cookies can be blocked in the web browser’s settings or so that each fact of the cookies being stored in the user’s device is communicated to the user. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software’s (web browser’s) settings. Please note that limitations in the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the portal’s websites.
More information about cookies is available in the “Help” section of the web browser menu.
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