
Bungled restoration of Polish wayside shrine leaves conservator bemused

Conservators have voiced alarm after the roadside chapel was subjected to a botched restoration. Photo: Konserwator Zabytków/Facebook
Conservators have voiced alarm after the roadside chapel was subjected to a botched restoration. Photo: Konserwator Zabytków/Facebook
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Conservators in Silesia have voiced alarm after a 19th-century wayside shrine was subjected to a botched restoration.

The restoration has left the shrine’s figure of the Mother Mary with mitt-like hands, crazed-looking eyes and a crooked frown embellished by what appears to be bright red lipstick. Jesus, meanwhile, seems to be sporting grey underpants. Startlingly, the skin of both has been rendered a sickly yellow.

On social media, the region’s conservator expressed disappointment, writing: “Another example of good intentions... Let’s hope that in the near future this valuable object will receive professional conservation, because it deserves it very much.”

The shrine, which is located close to the southern Polish village of Studzionka, dates from 1820 and is listed in the register of monuments, meaning that any “interference in its appearance” must first be approved by the regional conservator. Authorities have said that no such permission was granted.
The restoration has left the Mother Mary with crazed-looking eyes and a crooked frown. Photo: Konserwator Zabytków/Facebook
The restoration has left the Mother Mary with crazed-looking eyes and a crooked frown. Photo: Konserwator Zabytków/Facebook
“We will now carry out an inspection to determine how much damage has been done to the monument,” said Mirosław Rymer, a spokesman for the Silesian Conservator of Monuments.

Aside from reimagining the Mother Mary and Jesus, the anonymous author of the restoration also covered up the original German inscription, replacing it with ‘VII 2024, JC 2’ scribbled in what looks to be black marker pen.

While the new inscription suggests that the bungled restoration occurred last year, only now has the conservator been alerted after being sent photographs by a member of the public.

Although some have slammed the renovation as “barbaric,” other online commentators have taken a more light-hearted view. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” joked one on Facebook.
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