Nature & Travel

Disabled mother wolf cared for by her pups in Polish forest park woos internet

Photo: Facebook/
The cause of the wolf’s injury is unknown. Photo: Facebook/Wda Landscape Park
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A disabled female wolf limping across a woodland path has won the hearts of the internet after it was suggested that she may be cared for by the rest of her pack.

A video posted online by Wda Landscape Park in north Poland shows the mother wolf named Frida hopping around on three legs as she tentatively smells the ground.

Przemysław Dembek, a guard at the park, said: “The location of most recordings is the center of their territory. ‘Frida’ is recorded alone, which may suggest that she does not always take part in the hunt, and that the rest of the group, led by her partner, brings her food.”

He added that the cause of the she-wolf's dysfunctional paw is unknown, but she uses her disability to mark her presence and her territory.

“We don't know what the cause is, but we can't rule out some genetic defect. Her right front paw is disabled, which limits her mobility.

“However, another night recording shows how she uses it to mark her presence. The inconspicuous scratching, reminiscent of dog behavior, is a way of marking her territory.

“Wolves do this because they have scent glands hidden in their paws. This is not typical of all wolves, but only characteristic of a breeding parent pair.”

He added that Frida’s pack consists of nine wolves, which he said was “a success for this time of year.”

The post has now been flooded with heartwarming comments from followers.

One posted: “Great congratulations, beautiful family and you can see how they listen to their mother.”

Another wrote: “I am very moved by this. They want to live and they live their own way, despite the adversities of fate, just like people.”

Yet another commented simply: “Wonderful animals. Wonderful.”
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