
Polish companies shed 30,000 workers over last 12 months

Military helicopter production line at Polish company PZL-Świdnik in the couth of Poland. Photo by PAP/Wojtek Jargiło
Military helicopter production line at Polish company PZL-Świdnik in the couth of Poland. Photo by PAP/Wojtek Jargiło
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The 30,000 drop in the total number of people in employment is most evident in the manufacturing and administration sectors, data from Statistics Poland, the official data gatherer, indicates.

The job market remains “tight,” according to ING’s Piotr Popławski.

"Poland has the second lowest unemployment numbers in the EU,” he said, pointing to data from the bloc’s statistics office, Eurostat.

The ING economist puts low unemployment down to a fall in the numbers of school leavers and the aging population overall, with experienced workers retiring. That dearth of talent is bidding up the price of wages, he said.

Compared to last year, monthly salaries in the corporate sector have risen 11% to just under €1,900, according to data published on Thursday by Statistics Poland.

Miners were among those who took home the biggest pay rises, with their earnings rising by over 20% year-on-year, the Lewiatan employers association told the Polish state news agency PAP.

Data on manufacturing, however, indicated to economists that the bad run of declining production and poor market sentiment over the last two years, may be coming to an end. An annual increase in production was seen in 21 out of 34 industrial sectors.

Double-digit annual growth was recorded in the production of transport equipment which was not for passenger transport or rail, and in the chemicals industry. The largest decline — by almost 30 percent — was in the production of electrical devices, including batteries for electric vehicles.
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