Nature & Travel

Polish air quality shows remarkable improvement: govt body

PAP/Łukasz Gągulski
PAP/Łukasz Gągulski
podpis źródła zdjęcia

New findings released by Poland’s Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (GIOS) show that air quality around the country has significantly improved in comparison to previous years.

"The evaluation of air quality in Poland in 2023 showed that it had considerably improved from 2022," GIOS announced on Monday. The agency added: "The concentration of most pollutants was lower in 2023 than in 2022, and the areas where the permitted air pollutant levels were exceeded grew smaller."

Last year, five harmful pollutants exceeded recommended levels: PM10 (particles that do not exceed ten micrograms in diameter), arsenic and benzopyrenes present in PM10, nitrogen dioxide and ozone.

However, only two regions were impacted by abnormally high PM1 0. This represents a dramatic fall when benchmarked against the 14 recorded in 2022 and the 25 recorded in 2021.

Furthermore, GIOS said that no area was affected by abnormally high PM2.5 (atmospheric aerosols with a maximum diameter of 2.5 micrometers). This compares to the 11 regions that recorded harmful levels of PM2.5 in 2022, and 29 in the year previous.

Air quality in Poland has become an increasingly hot topic in recent years with a number of cities and urban areas suffering from heavy smog, particularly during the winter months.
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