
How do career choices between men and women in Poland differ?

As global society progresses towards greater egalitarianism, inherent biological differences between males and females persist, influencing career choices. Certain professions still tend to be male-dominated, while others are predominantly female. TVP World’s David Kennedy delves into the latest statistics on this topic.

According to a recent report conducted by Statistics Poland, within the medical field, 93% of nurses, 81% of general practitioners, 70% of specialized practitioners, and 67% of therapists are female. On the other hand, 78% of emergency medical workers are male.

Polish women also dominate the financial sector, being in the clear majority in positions such as finance (67%), life insurance (73%), accounting (78%), and tax consultancy (78%).

In essence, despite unprecedented strides toward equality, the persistence of differences between males and females remains undeniable.

Want to know more? Watch TVP World’s full report above.
Source: TVP World
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