
Rising migration pressure leads to surge in foreigners transferred to Poland

The number of foreigners transferred to Poland under readmission, the so-called Dublin III agreement, and other contracts and agreements is growing, according to data provided to the Polish Press Agency (PAP) by the Border Guard (SG). The reason is, among other things, migration pressure.

Foreigners are transferred to Poland under Dublin III procedures, among others, based on the 2013 EP and Council Regulation on the establishment of criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection submitted by a third-country national or a stateless person.

Under these regulations, the country is obliged to admit foreigners from other member states to its territory. These provisions determine which EU country is responsible for processing an asylum application while applying the principle of indicating the country of first entry.

Germany returns the most people

Since the migratory pressure on the Polish-Belarusian border has intensified, the number of foreigners transferred to Poland has increased. The country, from which most foreigners are sent back, is Germany.

Among them are, for example, foreigners who left open centers for foreigners before the completion of procedures and went to Germany or other EU countries. They may also be people who abuse the refugee procedure by applying for international protection and leaving Poland without waiting for a decision. If they then file the same application in Germany, they may be returned to Poland, where they first filed it.
According to the SG, 576 foreigners were transferred to Poland under readmission, the Dublin III agreement, and other agreements and arrangements in 2021; a year later, it was 927 people, and in 2023, 1,567.

As the acting Border Guard spokesman told PAP, the increase is influenced mostly by migration pressure.

The migration pressure is the most acute on Poland's eastern border with Belarus. In 2021, the Belarusian leader, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, in retaliation for EU sanctions imposed on Minsk, started inviting migrants to Belarus under a false promise of easy access to the EU across the Polish and Lithuanian borders as part of his plan to destabilize the bloc.

In response, Poland has built a border fence to stem the inflow of irregular migrants from Belarus, but despite it being fitted with advanced electronic surveillance equipment, hundreds of migrants are said to be crossing the barrier every month.
Source: TVP info, PAP
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