Some 27% of all Polish companies are keen to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine, according to information released by the Polish Economic Institute (PIE). As of the end of December last year, the total cost of the process estimates at USD 486 billion.
As indicated in the institute’s publication, willingness to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine was declared by 32% of large, 31% of medium-sized, 29% of small, and 23% of micro Polish enterprises.
Most of them are associated with construction, manufacturing, logistics/transport, and trade.
PIE experts noted that with the prolonged duration of the war, the estimated costs of rebuilding Ukraine are increasing. According to calculations by the government of Ukraine, the World Bank, the European Commission, and the United Nations as of December 31, 2023, the total cost of rebuilding Ukraine in the next decade would amount to USD 486 billion compared to USD 411 billion estimated the previous year.
The largest part of the costs is the reconstruction of residential buildings (over 80 billion dollars, or 17 % of the total), followed by transport (almost USD 74 billion, or 15%) and trade and industry (USD 67.5 billion, or 14%) infrastructures.
According to PIE, Polish companies have the appropriate potential to participate in the process of eliminating war damages in many industries. Their advantages - as emphasized - are geographical proximity, existing contacts, and the fact that despite the war, many of the companies are still present in Ukraine.
The institute also added that the participation of Polish companies in the process could bring long-term benefits to individual entities and the entire economy. “Ukraine is a large market and offers attractive resources, including raw materials and competencies in selected areas,” PIE stated.
Moreover, legal and economic support is also very important for Ukraine. As indicated, 66% of surveyed companies agree with the statement that it would be helpful to establish an international team for Polish-Ukrainian economic cooperation at the intergovernmental level.
Most of them are associated with construction, manufacturing, logistics/transport, and trade.
PIE experts noted that with the prolonged duration of the war, the estimated costs of rebuilding Ukraine are increasing. According to calculations by the government of Ukraine, the World Bank, the European Commission, and the United Nations as of December 31, 2023, the total cost of rebuilding Ukraine in the next decade would amount to USD 486 billion compared to USD 411 billion estimated the previous year.
The largest part of the costs is the reconstruction of residential buildings (over 80 billion dollars, or 17 % of the total), followed by transport (almost USD 74 billion, or 15%) and trade and industry (USD 67.5 billion, or 14%) infrastructures.
According to PIE, Polish companies have the appropriate potential to participate in the process of eliminating war damages in many industries. Their advantages - as emphasized - are geographical proximity, existing contacts, and the fact that despite the war, many of the companies are still present in Ukraine.
The institute also added that the participation of Polish companies in the process could bring long-term benefits to individual entities and the entire economy. “Ukraine is a large market and offers attractive resources, including raw materials and competencies in selected areas,” PIE stated.
Moreover, legal and economic support is also very important for Ukraine. As indicated, 66% of surveyed companies agree with the statement that it would be helpful to establish an international team for Polish-Ukrainian economic cooperation at the intergovernmental level.