
German football fans vandalize new stadium in southwestern Poland

The mayor of Opole said the damage was “disgusting” and compared the behavior of some fans to that of “pigs in a sty.” (Facebook/Radio Opole)
The mayor of Opole said the damage was “disgusting” and compared the behavior of some fans to that of “pigs in a sty.” (Facebook/Radio Opole)
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German football fans vandalized a newly opened stadium in Opole, southwestern Poland, during the first match at the venue, plastering it with graffiti and stickers, and damaging bathrooms.

The friendly match between Odra Opole, a Polish second-tier side, and FC Magdeburg, which plays in Germany’s second division, took place at the Itaka Arena on Friday and ended in a 1-1 draw.

The Polish club condemned the vandalism, telling the German fans on Facebook: “Itaka Arena is not the best place to showcase your artwork.” The club also warned that “consequences will be drawn.”

The mayor of Opole, Arkadiusz Wiśniewski, said the damage was “disgusting” and compared the behavior of some fans to that of “pigs in a sty.” He added that the stadium’s opening should have been a joyful event for the 12,000 spectators.

FC Magdeburg also issued a strong statement, condemning the destruction in “the harshest possible terms” and calling it “unacceptable behavior that damages the reputation of the club’s dedicated and otherwise positively regarded fan base.”

The club promised to investigate the incident and regretted that it overshadowed what was meant to be a celebratory evening for Odra Opole.

The Polish side is assessing the extent of the damage and considering compensation claims. Club spokesman Michał Lech told broadcaster Polsat News that identifying those responsible was a top priority, and legal action would be taken once the cost of the damages was determined.

Constructed between 2021 and 2024, the stadium boasts a seating capacity of 11,600 and cost over €44 million to build.

Five people – two Germans and three Poles – were detained before, during and after the match over the use of fireworks, possession of drugs and assaulting security personnel.
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