
Poland to boost production of industrial explosives

Illustrative photo: Staff Sgt. Daniel Love via Wikimedia Commons
In a crisis, the move could support the country’s arms production. Illustrative photo: Staff Sgt. Daniel Love via Wikimedia Commons
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Poland’s state-owned Industrial Development Agency (ARP) and explosives manufacturer Nitroerg have signed a letter of intent to rapidly increase domestic production of industrial explosives.

In the event of an emergency, Nitroerg could support the country’s arms production, enhancing its defense capacity, the ARP said in a statement.

The team-up aims to bolster Poland’s self-sufficiency in explosives, which are crucial for various industries including mining and construction.

The partnership entails the production of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), a key component in detonators and detonating cords, and hexogen (RDX), used in the manufacture of high-energy explosives.

“By combining the resources, knowledge and experience of ARP and Nitroerg, we will be able to rapidly increase the production capacity of explosives for the Polish civilian market,” said Robert Kropiwnicki, a deputy state assets minister, quoted in ARP’s statement.

“This will ensure that Polish mines and construction companies can meet their demands with domestically produced materials,” he added.

Increasing output will require investing an estimated 250 million zlotys (€58 million), with the project expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2028.

“This is a significant step in the development of our company, especially given the current geopolitical situation,” said Nitroerg’s CEO, Marek Mrówczyński.
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