A rare white rainbow has been spotted in northern Poland, leaving fans of the natural world thrilled.
The enchanting spectacle was captured in Kashubia, an area known for its outstanding natural beauty.
Also referred to as fogbows, the unusual phenomenon was caught on Monday with images quickly spreading over the internet.
Occurring when sunlight meets moisture to refract light from the tiny droplets in the air, white rainbows appear when the sun shines on mist.
“This ghostly rainbow differs from its multi-colored cousin mainly in the size of water drops acting on incoming sunlight,” explains The Weather Channel. “In the case of a rainbow, the raindrops are large enough to act like a prism, first reflecting a small fraction of sunlight within the drop, then refracting or bending white light's component colors on distinct paths back to your eye.”
“Instead, the light is diffracted from these tiny droplets, clashing together and interfering in a haze of white or gray, rather than taking the neat, distinct, colorful paths from refraction in raindrops,” adds The Weather Channel.
Although incredibly rare, chances of viewing a white rainbow increase, saysThe Weather Channel, when standing with “bright sunshine at your back, illuminating an area of dissipating or light fog in front you.”
Also referred to as fogbows, the unusual phenomenon was caught on Monday with images quickly spreading over the internet.
Occurring when sunlight meets moisture to refract light from the tiny droplets in the air, white rainbows appear when the sun shines on mist.
“This ghostly rainbow differs from its multi-colored cousin mainly in the size of water drops acting on incoming sunlight,” explains The Weather Channel. “In the case of a rainbow, the raindrops are large enough to act like a prism, first reflecting a small fraction of sunlight within the drop, then refracting or bending white light's component colors on distinct paths back to your eye.”
However, with a maximum diameter of 0.025 inches, the droplets contained within fog are much smaller and unable to refract and reflect sunlight in the same manner.Mgła i słońce to się inaczej nie mogło zadziać. Piękna biała tęcza. pic.twitter.com/85qLUU1obt
— Grażyna (@GraynaCiechano1) September 30, 2024
“Instead, the light is diffracted from these tiny droplets, clashing together and interfering in a haze of white or gray, rather than taking the neat, distinct, colorful paths from refraction in raindrops,” adds The Weather Channel.
Although incredibly rare, chances of viewing a white rainbow increase, saysThe Weather Channel, when standing with “bright sunshine at your back, illuminating an area of dissipating or light fog in front you.”
A tak wyglądała dziś o poranku na Kaszubach biała tęcza. @PomorskieEU
— Sieć Obserwatorów Burz | Obserwatorzy.info (@SOB_pl) September 30, 2024
fot. Estera Główczewska@IMGW_CMM @IMGWmeteo @MeteoprognozaPL#obserwatorzyburz #pogoda #polska #jesień pic.twitter.com/n64vEbSI0P
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