
Polish FM Sikorski looks to cement ties with South-East Asia

Poland’s foreign minister, Radosław Sikorski, has told TVP World of his hopes for increased cooperation with Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines, while also voicing his disappointment at Mongolia’s failure to arrest Vladimir Putin.

Talking on the back of a whistle-stop tour of South-East Asia, Sikorski explained the relevance of his visit: “I think it is important to remember that our political, economic and security interests lie not only in our immediate neighborhood, but also further afield.”

On forging closer links with these nations, Sikorski said: “All [of these] stress, for example, that they are affected by the war in Ukraine, by the Russian invasion, that they felt the rise in food prices and energy prices.

“They, of course, have a vote at the UN, which is important. They take part in the global conversation and they meet with the leaders of Russia and China. So, it's important to influence their opinion,” he added.

Sikorski emphasized the importance of forging closer economic links with these nations: “We need to rediscover each other, because it seems to me like our economies are in perfect synergy and trade between us should be much bigger than it is now.”

Questioned on the Russian president’s recent visit to Mongolia, Sikorski said: "Well, look how the mighty have fallen. Vladimir Putin used to be received by the Queen of England and Pope John Paul II, but now he has to scurry around and see who will not place him under arrest... But yes, we’re disappointed the Mongolian government did not execute the arrest warrant.”
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