
Polish students detained in Nigeria return home

PAP/Piotr Nowak
Photo: PAP/Piotr Nowak
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A group of students from the University of Warsaw (UW), recently released from detention in Nigeria for their involvement in anti-government protests, have returned to Poland.

The detainees, including six Polish students and their lecturer, had intended to spend the entire month of August at Bayero University in Kano, a state in northern Nigeria.

However, they were arrested after finding themselves caught up in ongoing anti-government demonstrations.

Announcing their safe return on Monday, the university’s chancellor Robert Grey told the state-owned Polish Press Agency (PAP) that the students had been released from house arrest on August 28, and that no charges had been brought against them.

“This is one of the best diplomatic actions. Importantly, - very complicated and difficult. Given the conditions in that region, the release happened very quickly,” Grey said.

On August 7, Reuters reported that Nigerian authorities had arrested seven Poles for raising Russian flags during recent anti-government protests.

However, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Szejna later told PAP that the situation was quite different from initial reports.

“This is a group of African studies students who found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Szejna said.
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