Nearly a thousand Polish firefighters, in full uniform, climbed to the top of Śnieżka Mountain on the country’s border with the Czech Republic over the weekend.
Carrying about 20 kg each, they reached the 1,603-meter peak to spread awareness of the importance of bone marrow donation and show solidarity with hemato-oncology patients.
“In Poland, every 40 minutes, somebody learns that they have blood cancer,” said the DKMS Foundation involved in the fight against the disease.
“For many patients, often the only chance for a cure is a bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor, a so-called genetic twin.”
One of the event’s organizers, Sławomir Kowalczyk, said joining the database of potential bone marrow donors is very simple.
“You don't have to make such a mighty effort as climbing a mountain in full uniform, and you can change the fate of a sick person who may be waiting just for you,” he said.
“In Poland, every 40 minutes, somebody learns that they have blood cancer,” said the DKMS Foundation involved in the fight against the disease.
“For many patients, often the only chance for a cure is a bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor, a so-called genetic twin.”
One of the event’s organizers, Sławomir Kowalczyk, said joining the database of potential bone marrow donors is very simple.
“You don't have to make such a mighty effort as climbing a mountain in full uniform, and you can change the fate of a sick person who may be waiting just for you,” he said.
Potential donors can register in the database here.👨🚒Blisko 1000 strażaków z całej Polski bierze udział w weekend (6/7 lipca) w wyprawie na Śnieżkę , by wspomóc chorych na nowotwory krwi🩸
— Państwowa Straż Pożarna (@KGPSP) July 6, 2024
W sobotę na szczyt Śnieżki dotarła pierwsza grupa ok. 500 osób, a wśród nich 4 funkcjonariuszy KG PSP.
Source: Polsat News, RMF24
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