
Poland takes over the presidency of the Visegrád Group

   (Photo by: PAP)
This will be the seventh time the country has assumed the V4’s presidency since the group was established in 1991. (Photo by: Ondrej Deml/PAP)
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Poland has resumed the presidency of the Visegrád Group (V4), a cultural and political alliance consisting of Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia

Taking over the rotating annual position from the Czech Republic on July 1, Poland’s Foreign Ministry said that this year’s motto, ‘V4: Back to Basics’ refers to “the foundations of Visegrád cooperation such as freedom, human rights, the rule of law, and commitment to the process of European integration and cooperation for security in Europe.”

In a statement on its website, it said: “Poland’s assumption of V4 chairmanship comes at a crucial time when Europe is shaping its new political framework following elections to the European Parliament, while the EU’s neighborhood is affected by a conflict which poses a challenge to Euro-Atlantic security.

“Support for Ukraine is an element inextricably intertwined with the three priorities of Poland’s V4 presidency.” Saying that it also plans on “promoting initiatives aimed at increasing the prosperity of citizens,” the ministry said the presidency would be based on ‘three pillars’: citizen’s safety, connectivity, and unleashing the potential” for boosting cooperation academically and culturally, and in social and family policy.

It continued: “A very important role in the program of the Polish presidency is played by the International Visegrád Fund, whose activity consisting in promoting grant and scholarship programs aimed at deepening cooperation between citizens and civil society organizations is very highly rated. This priority also includes discussion on horizontal EU issues, including cohesion policy after 2027, agricultural policy, forestry, and EU finances.”

The ministry added that support for Ukraine will be inextricably linked to the three pillar priorities.

This will be the seventh time Poland has taken on the V4’s presidency since the group was created in 1991.
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