
Polish army's latest GROT rifle showcased

Photo: Terytorialsi | Zawsze Gotowi, Zawsze Blisko!/ X
Photo: Terytorialsi | Zawsze Gotowi, Zawsze Blisko!/ X
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The latest (A3) version of the GROT rifle was presented at the fourth edition of the GROTowisko-24 conference, which took place this weekend.

The GROTowisko-24 conference brings together military experts and manufacturers to share experiences and discuss innovations in the GTOR rifles’ design and usage.

The event, organized by the Territorial Defence Forces Command in collaboration with weapons manufacturer “Fabryka Broni ‘Łucznik’- Radom”, aims to facilitate communication between users and engineers to enhance the GROT rifles’ performance based on real-world feedback.

Brigadier General Krzysztof Stańczyk, commander of the Territorial Defence Forces, said: "The outcomes of our discussions will help us further develop this weapon.”

He pointed out that the conference is crucial for the Territorial Defence Forces (WOT), which uses 49,000 GROT rifles in its A1 and A2 versions.

At the event, Seweryn Figurski, acting president of the affiliated arms company, presented the A3 version of the GROT rifle, assuring that the manufacturer strives to meet users' expectations.

He noted that real-world soldier feedback is critical for the rifle’s development. “Every weapon goes through growing pains. The most important test is in the hands of soldiers,” he said. In a letter to conference participants, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz underscored the significance of the domestic defense industry.

He reminded attendees that the GROT rifle was designed and produced in Poland, gaining recognition from both Polish and Ukrainian soldiers.

In the early 2000s, the Polish Army began replacing Soviet-era rifles like the AKM with modern firearms, starting with the Beryl assault rifle. In 2017, GROT became the Polish Army’s future standard service rifle.

The GROT rifle, part of the Modular Firearm System program, was first delivered to the Polish Army’s Honor Guard Company in 2016. It has since been adopted by various branches of the Polish Armed Forces and other agencies, including the police and border guards.

The Territorial Defence Forces Command manages orders for the GROT and oversees the process of gathering user feedback to implement design changes.
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