
President Duda expresses support for protesting farmers

PAP/Piotr Nowak
PAP/Piotr Nowak
podpis źródła zdjęcia

Andrzej Duda, the Polish president, has met with a group of farmers following their failed protest at the Polish parliament.

A group of a dozen or so farmers from the Orka organization started their protest at the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, on May 9, but ended it on Wednesday having failed to secure anything other than an audience with the President.

They protested against the Green Deal, an EU scheme aimed at making agriculture in the bloc more sustainable but which farmers argue is harming their livelihoods.

The President met the protesters at the Presidential Palace on Monday; after, his aide announced that as a result of talks, one of the farmers would sit on the Presidential Council on Agriculture.

Politicians from Poland’s main opposition and former ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party — of which Duda is an ally — also met with the farmers while they were still protesting in the Sejm.
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