
Head of Poland’s media watchdog accused of abusing power

PAP/Tomasz Gzell
PAP/Tomasz Gzell
podpis źródła zdjęcia

MPs belonging to Poland’s coalition government have signed a motion to bring Maciej Świrski, the head of the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT), before a State Tribunal.

Signed by 185 MPs, the preliminary motion was presented to the Sejm (the Lower House) on Thursday and accuses the head of the country’s media watchdog of abusing the power vested in him.

Piotr Adamowicz of the Civic Coalition (KO) told reporters that the 285-page document included evidence of Świrski’s misconduct.

He added: “The motion relates to three segments: the blocking of approximately 300 million zloty from license fees [destined] for public radio and television; the blocking of concessions for private broadcasters: TVN, TVN24, Radio Tok FM, and Radio Zet. The third group of allegations concerns a failure to carry out statistical research on TV station audiences in Poland.”

In all, said Adamowicz, KO wanted to see eleven charges brought against Świrski.

Last Wednesday, regional prosecutors in Warsaw launched an investigation into Świrski’s alleged misuse of power.

This is the second time that a motion has been submitted to bring the head of the KRRiT before a tribunal. In 2005, Civic Platform (PO) initiated a motion to haul Danuta Waniek before a tribunal. Two years later, Ewa Kopacz, then the Speaker of the Sejm, ended proceedings.

Today’s news is the latest twist in Poland’s media saga. When the new coalition came to power in October, it placed all public media companies into liquidation after KRRiT and the National Media Council blocked proposed management changes. Both bodies have faced accusations of being politicized by the former ruling party, Law and Justice (PiS).
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