
Poland’s prosecutor launches investigation into judge who defected to Belarus

PAP/Rafał Guz
PAP/Rafał Guz
podpis źródła zdjęcia

Prosecutors from the Organized Crime and Corruption Department have “initiated an investigation into the participation in the activities of foreign intelligence” by Tomasz Szmydt, a Polish judge who fled to Belarus and asked for political asylum.

The news comes as it was revealed that the judge is also under investigation for links to hardcore football hooligans known as ultras.

According to broadcaster RMF FM, Poland’s counterintelligence service is investigating whether Szmydt took part in inspiring hooligan groups to stir up anti-Ukrainian sentiment.

They are also probing links to the Polish men arrested for brutally attacking Alexei Navalny’s chief-of-staff, Leonid Volkov, in March One of the men is a diehard fan of the Legia Warszawa football club.

Other hooligan gangs have been involved in smuggling illegal immigrants from Asia and Africa through Poland to Western Europe, to the benefit of Moscow. Investigators also want to see if Szymdt was involved in this matter.

Tomasz Szmydt appeared in the Belarusian capital on Monday, where he claimed he was being persecuted by Polish authorities and wanted asylum.

He then praised Belarusian dictator, Aleksandr Lukashenko, for being a ‘“very wise leader.”
Source: RMF FM
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