
President Duda appoints new heads of Armed Forces and Territorial Defense Force

Polish President Andrzej Duda (2-R), the nominee for Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General of the Polish Army Marek Sokolowski (P), the nominee for Polish Military Representative to the NATO and EU Military Committees, Lieutenant General Slawomir Wojciechowski (2L) and the nominee for Commander of the Territorial Defense Forces, Brigadier General Krzysztof Stańczyk (L).
Polish President Andrzej Duda (2-R), the nominee for Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General of the Polish Army Marek Sokołowski (R), the nominee for Polish Military Representative to the NATO and EU Military Committees, Lieutenant General Sławomir Wojciechowski (2-L) and the nominee for Commander of the Territorial Defense Forces, Brigadier General Krzysztof Stańczyk (L). Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
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President Andrzej Duda has presented nomination documents to the general commander of the Polish Armed Forces and the commander of the Territorial Defense Force.

The ceremony took place on Friday, on the 233rd anniversary of May 3 Constitution of 1791, considered Europe’s first modern written constitution.

Lieutenant General Marek Sokołowski was appointed the general commander of the Polish Armed Forces, and Brigadier General Krzysztof Stańczyk was appointed the commander of the Territorial Defense Force (WOT).

Sokołowski had so far been serving as the acting general commander of the Armed Forces while Stańczyk was the acting commander of WOT.

The president also handed over promotion documents to Lieutenant General Sławomir Wojciechowski to the rank of the Polish Armed Forces general. Wojciechowski is Poland’s military representative to NATO and EU Military Committees. Having handed over the nomination documents to the generals, the president stated “it is a huge responsibility to be tasked with ensuring the security of their compatriots, and, above all, of a free, sovereign and independent Poland.”
Source: PAP, TVP World
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