Nature & Travel

Poland: Tourists in Bieszczady Mountains warned as bears emerge from dens

Photo: Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Photo: Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images
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Tourists planning to visit Poland’s Bieszczady Mountains, south-eastern Poland, should be cautious as the first sightings of bears emerging from their dens, looking for food, have already been reported in local villages. At this time of year, the animals that just ended their winter hibernation can be exceptionally agitated, experts say.

Videos being published on social media show, however, that the bear encounters are not happening exclusively in the Bieszczady Mountains as tourists across various Polish mountainous areas also happened to spot those animals near people-dense areas. Authorities in the Zagórz municipality, south-eastern Poland, have recorded over 70 incidents involving wild animals, including bears, this year alone. The local government has obtained permission from the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Rzeszów to capture and relocate bears to other areas.
In the neighboring Sanok municipality, officials are urging residents to exercise caution. They, too, have received authorization from the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection to deter bears. Residents were advised against leaving food and edible waste outside.

Spokesperson for the Regional Directorate of State Forests (RDLP) in Krosno, southeastern Poland, emphasized that bears are on the lookout for food following their hibernation throughout winter. He noted that they may also be more irritable during this time, warning that the animals are increasingly spotted in human-populated areas, partly due to compost bins and food scraps left in garbage cans. This “familiarity” with human presence diminishes their natural fear, leading to a phenomenon known as synanthropization.

According to the spokesperson, encounters between bears and humans are becoming more common, contrasting with the past when sightings were rare.

He also clarified that bears typically do not attack humans but may defend their territory if startled. Therefore, when hiking in bear-inhabited areas, making noise, such as talking or whistling, is advisable to avoid surprising them
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