
Polish PM announces aid to Polish Farmers hit by imports from Ukraine

Donald Tusk, Poland’s prime minister, has said government aid will be available to grain producers, but only to those who had suffered as a result of excessive Ukrainian imports.

Polish farmers have been protesting nationally against Ukrainian imports, particularly that of grain, which they say have undercut their businesses.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Tusk said those grain producers who had experienced difficulties through no fault of their own would receive help, though he said that for now there is no decision on exactly what form the aid will take.

Tusk went on to say that “the aid must be directed exclusively to those who... due to excessive inflows of grain and other products from Ukraine, and so due to no fault of their own, found themselves in trouble.”

However, the details of the aid are yet to be thought out.

“There is no decision on this matter; I have an appointment tomorrow with Ministry of Agriculture officials,” he said.

“They will present detailed measures... I will have to be 100% sure that spending that much - we’re talking about PLN 2 billion (EUR 470 million) - will help ease the market and, above all, satisfy farmers,” he added

The prime minister explained that the aid mechanism would be closely examined to ensure that government money did not go to intermediaries, traders, or large transport firms.

He also said that Polish actions at the European Commission (EC) had ensured possibility for limiting, in line with all EU rules, excessive Ukrainian agri-food imports, not only grain.

He said there would be legal instruments from June, when a new EU-Ukraine trade agreement comes into force, and it will suffice for a member state to inform the EC that its markets have been destabilized for it to be able to impose measures such as embargoes.

Tusk added that the chief goal was to remove the grain surplus from the market.

“We have to have empty silos and warehouses, places ready for this year’s harvest,” he concluded.
Source: TVP World, PAP
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