
Russian ambassador’s behavior ‘a sign of diplomatic desertion’: Polish official

Russian ambassador to Poland Sergei Andreyev has been accused of “deserting his diplomatic post” after he failed to appear at the Foreign Ministry to explain why a Russian missile had entered Polish airspace on Sunday morning.

Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Szejna made the accusation after the ambassador’s no-show at the Foreign Ministry on Monday.

“He knew that Minister Sikorski would chastise him, so he decided not to come,” Szejna told the private broadcaster RMF24.

The deputy minister said that the ambassador was not invited but summoned. According to the Vienna Convention, this obliges him to show up.

Szejna added that the ambassador’s failure to appear was “a violation of international law” and also “a cause of concern for our allies.”

He also mentioned that the violation of Polish airspace by a missile fired from a Russian Federation fighter plane was seen as “an act of terrorism” and that was why the ambassador was summoned.

The official explained that any diplomat who receives a summons from the foreign ministry of the country where they are accredited must report to that ministry immediately.

“This is another example of disregard for the law by the Russian Federation,” he said.
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