Around 2.5 million children’s guardians in Poland will receive the 800+ monthly in child benefits in 2024, the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) has reported.
Despite apparent deficits in the state budget, the new coalition government has maintained the 800+ program, a flagship policy of the old Law and Justice (PiS) government.
Under the program, parents receive PLN 800 (EUR 184) a month per child from June 2024 up until May 2025. Up until the end of 2023, they could claim PLN 500 (EUR 115).
“From February 1, 2024, parents submitted 2.2 million requests for 800+,” Pawel Zebrowski, the ZUS spokesperson, reported.
The child benefit is granted to each child under the age of 18, regardless of income.
Under the program, parents receive PLN 800 (EUR 184) a month per child from June 2024 up until May 2025. Up until the end of 2023, they could claim PLN 500 (EUR 115).
“From February 1, 2024, parents submitted 2.2 million requests for 800+,” Pawel Zebrowski, the ZUS spokesperson, reported.
The child benefit is granted to each child under the age of 18, regardless of income.
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