
Assassination of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, 39 years on

Photo: Wikimedia Public Domain
Photo: Wikimedia Public Domain
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On this day in 1984, Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, the unofficial chaplain of the “Solidarity” trade union and the symbol of Polish peaceful resistance to the Communist regime, was murdered by the state secret police.

On the anniversary of the death of Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, a solemn Mass will be held at 6 p.m. at St. Stanisław Kostka Church in Warsaw, presided over by Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz. During the liturgy, the faithful will pray for the martyr's canonization. The liturgy will begin with a procession to the grave of the Solidarity chaplain, to the sound of the “Jerzy” bell consecrated in 1987 by Pope John Paul II.

Jerzy Aleksander Popiełuszko was born in 1947 as Alfons Popiełuszko. He attended a priests’ seminary in Warsaw, followed by compulsory military service. He was transferred to a special unit with tightened discipline, as part of the repressions of the Catholic Church by the communist authorities. After changing his name to Jerzy, in 1972 he was ordained priest by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and served in several parishes in Warsaw.

In 1981, Jerzy Popiełuszko visited the workers protesting at the Warsaw Steelworks. Thereafter he became the unofficial chaplain of the “Solidarity” trade union (the first legal trade union in communist countries that was independent of the authorities) and was associated with opposition to the Communist regime.

During Martial Law, he served monthly Masses for the Homeland attended by tens of thousands of people, and became a target for the security services.

On the evening of October 19, 1984, Father Popiełuszko was kidnapped by agents of the secret service of the Interior Affairs Ministry. The priest was beaten, tied up, and thrown into a car boot. With a sack of stones bound to his feet, he was dropped into the Vistula River near the town of Włocławek, northern Poland.

His body was found on October 30 and the news of his death caused a powerful wave of anger in the country. His body was tortured to the extent that he could only be formally identified by his distinguishing features. Some sources state that even up to 1,000,000 people attended his Warsaw funeral on November 3, 1984. His resting place is near the Saint Stanisław Kostka Church in Warsaw, where he used to celebrate his Masses for the Homeland.

Father Popiełuszko was posthumously awarded the Order of the White Eagle, Poland’s highest distinction, in 2009. The following year he was beatified by Archbishop Angelo Amato in Warsaw.
Source: PAP, TVP World
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