
Legendary director of cult Polish comedy honored with special prize

82-year-old Koterski was handed the Cultural Creator prize in Tuesday’s Paszport Polityki awards. Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
82-year-old Koterski was handed the Cultural Creator prize in Tuesday’s Paszport Polityki awards. Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
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The legendary director of a cult black comedy about a neurotic professor and his daily struggles has been awarded a special prize for his contribution to Polish culture.

Marek Koterski wrote and directed nine films about his fictional alter-ego Adaś Miauczyński, most notably 2002’s Day of the Wacko (Dzień świra), which often features on lists of Poland’s most loved comedies.

Koterski, 82, was handed the “Cultural Creator” prize in Tuesday’s Paszport Polityki awards, one of Poland’s most prestigious annual arts ceremonies.

Speaking on stage, he said that his earliest films, produced when the country was still under Communist rule, were met with disapproval by officials.

Years later, when Day of the Wacko came out, there was also disgruntlement – from those who wanted to see a different vision of Poland on the big screen.

“They told me that they don’t want losers such as [main character] Adaś Miauczyński as film protagonists, but successful people,” he said, quoted by Polityka magazine.

“But now? Now I get nothing but love from audiences.”

Day of the Wacko, with popular actor Marek Kondrat in the starring role, gives voice to the frustrations of a middle-aged, divorced man, grappling with OCD and an unhealthy dose of self-loathing.

“It may seem that such an anti-hero could not possibly win over the hearts of mass audiences,” wrote arts website back in 2018.

“Surprisingly... [he] became a companion with which to suffer for millions of viewers – misery does love company. Audiences all over the country identify with this neurotic, frustrated Polish-language teacher.”

After receiving his award, Koterski offered a few words of advice to others hoping to make it in the creative industries.

“It’s worth being faithful to your dreams: listen to yourself, your convictions and your feelings above all.

“Even if they smack you in the head with a baseball bat, do your own thing.”

Paszport Polityki gongs are handed out yearly for accomplishments in different cultural fields in Poland, including film, theatre, music and literature.

This year’s other winners include director Kamila Tarabura for her film Rzeczy niezbędne, writer Jul Łyskawa for his novel Prawdziwa historia Jeffreya Watersa i jego ojców, and saxophonist Kuba Więcek, lauded for his fusion of jazz and hip hop.
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