
Artillery shells amassed by Polish homeowner explode in blaze

Further searches of the apartment will be conducted to locate any additional items. Photo: fb/
Over 100 shells were uncovered in an investigation. Photo: fb/ Ełk police
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Firefighters tackling a blaze in an apartment in northern Poland were confronted with a series of explosions caused by the detonation of artillery shells the owner had amassed.

The 34-year-old owner was detained over the incident in the northeastern city of Ełk on Monday. No one was reported injured.

Police spokeswoman Agata Kulikowska said investigators discovered over 100 shells of various calibers and 39 detonators. Initial assessments indicate the items may be relics from World War II, though this has not been confirmed.

"The shells began to explode but fortunately no one was harmed and the fire was extinguished," Kulikowska said.

Counterterrorism units were deployed to secure the site. The ammunition has been transported to a military range for examination, where experts will determine whether the materials posed a threat to public safety.

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Opublikowany przez Komenda Powiatowa Policji w Ełku Poniedziałek, 9 grudnia 2024
Authorities said further searches of the apartment would be conducted to locate any additional items.

Investigators are working to determine the origin and any potential use of the arsenal.
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