
Trump is a rational actor, says Warsaw mayor and presidential hopeful Trzaskowski

Mayor of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski. Photo: PAP/Marek Zakrzewski
Mayor of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski. Photo: PAP/Marek Zakrzewski
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Trump is a rational thinker and Poland’s close alliance with the U.S. is in place regardless of which party controls the White House, Warsaw’s mayor and one of the candidates for Poland’s ruling party’s presidential candidate nomination said during a meeting with his supporters.

Warsaw mayor Rafał Trzaskowski met with his supporters in the west-central Polish city of Poznań on Saturday, ahead of the primaries that the ruling Civic Coalition (KO) intends to hold to determine its candidate for the spring 2025 presidential race.

Trzaskowski said: “One has to have a positive attitude. For us, and this is being truly mature, the most important thing is that we have an alliance with the United States, and not one or the other administration.

“And we have to be ready to work with any of them,” the presidential nominee hopeful said, echoing what his contender in the primaries, foreign minister Radosław Sikorski, repeated over the preceding months.

Trzaskowski stressed that he considers the U.S. president-elect to be a rational actor.

He said: “We may like him or we may not like him, which is irrelevant at this moment, but he is a rational person.”
Trzaskowski said that Trump continues to reiterate one message, which is “to help those who take responsibility for themselves and who take responsibility for their own security.”

He said that Poland is “a benchmark for NATO and the EU,” citing Warsaw’s 5% GDP spending on defense, in reference to Trump’s criticism of Washington’s European NATO allies, who have neglected their own military budgets.

He added that in the face of the German cabinet crisis, Poland is fulfilling “a leadership role in the EU.”

“Which is why it is important that [Polish prime minister] Donald Tusk has the support of a democratic president in fundamental matters; a president with whom the entire world reckons,” Trzaskowski said.
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