
Bosnians head to the polls for mayoral elections 

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Bosnians went to the polls on Sunday (October 6) to vote in local mayoral elections.

Bakir Izetbegović, the leader of the SDA (the Party of Democratic Action), one of the main Bosniak parties, offered condolences to the areas impacted by deadly floods after casting his vote in Sarajevo.

Bosnia’s election commission decided to postpone local elections this weekend in municipalities affected by the floods, while allowing voting to proceed elsewhere.

Serb separatist leader Milorad Dodik said that people would base their decisions on criteria such as “loyalty” and “patriotism.”

Dodik, the president of the autonomous Serb Republic, has long advocated for the secession of the Serb-dominated region from Bosnia.

Nearly 30 years after the U.S.-brokered peace deal ended the 1992-95 war, Bosnia remains deeply divided between its two regions — Republika Srpska, with a majority Serb Christian Orthodox population, and the Bosniak-Croat Federation, which has a majority Muslim population.
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