
American soldier found dead in Polish apartment

Adam Warżawa / PAP
The discovery was made Wednesday afternoon by military police at an apartment block close to where the U.S. Army V Corps is based. (Photo: Adam Warżawa / PAP )
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An investigation has been launched into the death of an American soldier whose body was found inside an apartment in Poznań, western Poland.

The grim discovery was made Tuesday afternoon after military police stormed an apartment block in the city’s Grunwald district, not far from where the U.S. Army V Corps is based.

Deputy District Prosecutor for Military Affairs in Poznań, Colonel Bartosz Okoniewski, told the Epoznań.pl news portal that the soldier was a “senior officer”.

He added that initial findings had ruled out murder and that the investigation was focused on “unintentional manslaughter”.

The results of an autopsy are expected early next week.

Poznań is home to Camp Kościuszko, the first permanent U.S. military base in Poland, and to the U.S. Army Garrison Poland and V Corps' forward headquarters.
Source: Super Express
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