
Polish doctors use new cutting-edge device for aneurysm treatment

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Illustrative iamge Photo by: BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
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On August 12, Doctors in Wrocław have become the first in Poland to use a cutting-edge flow disruptor for treating brain aneurysms.

The device, known as a disrupter, has a thickness of less than one millimeter but can expand to a diameter of up to eight millimeters.

“Until now, this new type of flow disruptor had been used for individual patients in the U.K., France, and Germany,” said Dr. Maciej Miś, a neuroradiologist from the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław.

“We are the first Polish hospital to use this device, and what makes it even more remarkable is that we were able to help four patients on the very first day.

“The flow disruptor is a small device that, after being introduced into the aneurysm through a microcatheter, expands. You could say it unfolds like a flower.”

The disruptor was used during procedures on four women aged 50 to 74, each presenting complex, large, irregular aneurysms with a substantial risk of rupture.
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