
Polish anti-doping agency says leaked files linking athletes to banned drugs are fake

PAP/Paweł Supernak
PAP/Paweł Supernak
podpis źródła zdjęcia

Poland’s anti-doping agency has said that documents leaked by hackers linking top Polish athletes to banned substances are fake news.

The agency blamed a cyberattack for the leaking of files that purportedly showed links between athletes and the use of anabolic steroids and other prohibited performance-enhancing substances, Politico reported.

The anti-doping agency dismissed the allegations as fabricated and, in a statement to Polish sports publication Przegląd Sportowy, said that the hacking was “the action of a group supported by the services of an enemy state.”

In a statement on social media, the agency added: “Fake news discrediting Polish athletes appeared in the public space... None of the mentioned athletes obtained a positive result and none of the dates presented correspond to anti-doping controls.”

The hacking attack is being investigated, according to the agency.
Source: Politico, Przegląd Sportowy
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