
Poland signs offset agreements linked to Apache helicopters purchase

Apache Helicopter(Photo by Tom Stoddart/Getty Images)
Apache Helicopter(Photo by Tom Stoddart/Getty Images)
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Poland has signed two offset agreements linked to the purchase of 96 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters.

The agreements were signed on Monday with U.S. firms Boeing and General Electric, and came to €93 million and €123 million, respectively.

The acquisition of the helicopters was announced by Poland’s previous government in 2022, but so far a delivery contract for the aircraft has not yet been signed.

The contracts provide for the repair of components at the Military Aviation Department in Łódź and Dęblin, as well as the servicing and training of engineers for helicopter maintenance at the Military Technical University in Warsaw.

"This is a unique opportunity for the region and also for the Military University of Technology," Paweł Bejda, a Polish deputy defense minister, said on Monday.

Boeing’s AH-64E Apache helicopter is the primary attack helicopter used by the U.S. Army, and has been in service since the 1980s. Its role is to support ground forces, such as armored units, by destroying enemy ground targets using a wide range of weapons, including the M230 chain gun and Hellfire air-to-ground missiles.

The agreement with Boeing will focus on supporting the operation of the helicopters, which is a critical element of the procurement process. Meanwhile, the agreement with General Electric will cover engine maintenance, not only for those installed in the Apaches but also for other modern platforms that will be introduced into the Polish Armed Forces.
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