A storage hall in a port in Gdańsk, northern Poland, went up in flames in the largest fire in the city in recent years on Sunday, local firefighters said.
There were no employees in the hall when the blaze, ultimately covering an area of about 400 square meters, broke out.
The roof of the hall partially collapsed, but firefighters managed to save another part of the facility and an adjacent building.
“The firefighting operation at the warehouse hall in the port lasted all night - the fire was located at around 2:00 a.m., and the firefighting is currently underway,” the state fire service said Monday morning on the X platform.
“This is the largest fire in Gdańsk in recent years,” said one officer.Nagranie @KGPSP z akcji gaśniczej hali magazynu w porcie #Gdańsk W działaniach bierze udział ~40 pojazdów pożarniczych, robot gaśniczy i ~100 strażaków, a także statki i kutry gaśnicze co widać na filmie.#Pożar #PortGdańsk #Polska #Poland #RosjaJużTuJest pic.twitter.com/mbZru93nAo
— Dorota Malicka 🇵🇱 (@RubyTuesday828) July 14, 2024
The deputy chief of Poland’s national fire service said that the operation was “very difficult due to the very large amount of combustible materials, like plastic.”
Text message alerts have been sent out to residents warning of possible danger. “Attention: do not go water bathing in the beach area of Gdańsk-Brzeźno due to possible water contamination in connection with the fire in the port,” it warned.👨🚒🚒🔥 #Gdańsk, akcja gaśnicza hali magazynowej w porcie trwała całą noc - pożar został zlokalizowany ok. godz. 2, aktualnie trwa dogaszanie.
— Państwowa Straż Pożarna (@KGPSP) July 15, 2024
Na miejscu działa 40 zastępów #PSP-ok. 100👨🚒, pojazdy z Zakładowej Straży Pożarnej, 🚢z Morskiej Straży Pożarnej i @mspirsar. pic.twitter.com/nL6STE7WoI