
Survey finds that House Speaker is most trusted Polish politician

Photo: PAP/Rafał Guz
Photo: PAP/Rafał Guz
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According to a new opinion poll, Szymon Hołownia, Speaker of the lower house of parliament (Sejm), Rafał Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw, and President Andrzej Duda are Poland’s most trusted politicians.

The CBOS survey, published on Friday, shows that in June, 50% of respondents trusted Hołownia, while 33% distrusted the speaker of the Sejm and leader of the Poland 2050 party.

Trzaskowski came in second with a 48% trust rating, while 33% expressed distrust in the mayor of Warsaw.

President Duda secured the third spot, with 45% of respondents trusting him and 43% distrusting him.

Donald Tusk, the prime minister and head of the ruling Civic Coalition (KO) party, was trusted by 44% and distrusted by 43% of those polled.

CBOS conducted the survey on a representative sample of 1,055 adult Poles between June 10–20.
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