
Largest opposition party calls for migration referendum

Photo: PAP/Rafał Guz
Photo: PAP/Rafał Guz
podpis źródła zdjęcia

Law and Justice (PiS), Poland’s biggest opposition party, says it will start collecting signatures to demand a referendum on the termination of the EU migration pact.

On Saturday, PiS held a convention in Pułtusk, central Poland, during which party leader Jarosław Kaczyński outlined its plans for the coming months.

“From September, we will be collecting signatures to demand a new referendum.... on the termination of the (migration) pact,” he said.

“We are convinced that such a referendum, if it happens, will be won.”

He mentioned the previous referendum organized by the PiS government and claimed that it was “successfully” boycotted so that it would be invalid.

In April, the European Parliament adopted the migration pact over the objections of Polish MEPs from PiS, but also two governing coalition parties: Civic Platform (PO) and the Polish People’s Party (PSL).
The reform involves providing support to countries under migratory pressure. The most controversial elements of the pact are mechanisms obliging member states to distribute at least 30,000 migrants per year among themselves or pay a financial equivalent of €20,000 for each person rejected.

Need fo a new program

The Law and Justice leader also said the grouping would work on a new program.

“It is clear that for these upcoming [presidential] elections and later, parliamentary elections, we must have a new program because the situation is constantly changing,” he said.

He pointed out that this program must include a draft of constitutional changes, explaining that the constitution needs to provide the president with tools to fulfill his role as its defender, while at the same time, there should exist an institution checking the power of the head of state.

Kaczyński also said that the grouping will prepare drafts of new European treaties.
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