
Assessment begins of Polish territorial force's operational capabilities

Photo: media.terytorialsi.wp.mil.pl
Photo: media.terytorialsi.wp.mil.pl
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Poland’s Territorial Defense Force, established five years ago, has commenced capability certification in line with NATO standards.

This is the first time in the history of the Polish armed forces that an entire branch of military service has undergone evaluation.

Previously, only individual units underwent capability assessment. The Territorial Defense Force is the country’s fifth military service after the Land Forces, Air Force, Navy, and Special Operations Forces. Created in 2019, it now numbers over 30,000 soldiers. Its role is to complement the deterrence and defense capacity of the regular forces in line with NATO standards.

The purpose of the certification process is to assess the country’s youngest armed service in terms of its capacity to counter an external threat and to carry out crisis-management roles during peacetime. The assessment will be conducted in line with NATO norms set out in the alliance’s ‘Forces Standards Volume VII Combat Readiness Evaluation of Land HQs and Units’ (CREVAL) document.

Among the force’s capacities to be evaluated are the percentage of staffing and training achieved relative to the amount required to carry out its duties, the percentage of requisite basic equipment it possesses and its fitness for purpose, and the level of its tactical supplies in terms of its readiness to fulfill combat duties and other tasks.

In preparation for the certification process, the force conducted the Błyskawica (Lightning)-24 staff training exercise in May and, in mid-June, will hold the Piorun (Thunderbolt)-24 maneuvers aimed at testing the service’s command structure as part of the certification procedure.
Source: TVP Info, PAP, gov.pl
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