
Poland considers expanding voluntary military service as recruitment soars

Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Momot
Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Momot
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The government is considering expanding the voluntary basic military service program following the utilization of nearly 70% of the recruitment quota for soldiers in May.

The Ministry of National Defense (MON) aims to increase the recruitment limit by 10,000.

The government’s legislative and program work was released this week. This list includes information on a proposed amendment to the regulation setting the number of individuals who can be called to active military service in 2024, as well as those who can serve in the reserve during military exercises.

The proposed change seeks to increase the limit for voluntary basic military service by 10,000 people, driven by significant interest in military service.

The draft is expected to be adopted by the Council of Ministers in the third quarter of 2024.

Currently, the recruitment limit for voluntary basic military service stands at 34,550 individuals. As of April 30, more than 16,800 volunteers have been recruited, representing 56% of the designated limit.

In February, the Ministry of Defense launched an operation codename “Szpej,” [a word translated loosely as ‘gear’] focused on increasing the acquisition of a wide range of personal equipment for Polish soldiers.

The proposed changes aim to ensure continuous recruitment and facilitate the ongoing growth of volunteers entering the military. Additionally, the Ministry reported that over 4,400 soldiers have transitioned from voluntary basic military service to professional military service in 2024.
Source: TVP World, PAP, mon.gov
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