
Poland arrests three more people on suspicion of sabotage for Russian intelligence

PAP/Bartłomiej Zborowski
PAP/Bartłomiej Zborowski
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Poland’s prime minister says three more people have been arrested on suspicion of carrying out acts of sabotage on behalf of the Russian security services.

The development now brings the total number of suspected Kremlin agents arrested to 12, following an announcement on Monday that nine people had also been detained.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Donald Tusk said: “The security services work very well here when it comes to identifying attempts at sabotage and subversion in Poland and neighboring countries.

“Yesterday I announced the arrest of nine people, and tonight another three people were detained.”

He added that Poland’s security services have been verifying the “quite likely” involvement of Russian special services in a recent high-profile fire of a large retail hall in Warsaw.

Earlier, Tusk told private broadcaster TVN that his government would “fully regain control over what is happening on the territory of the Polish state” and warned Moscow “We’re taking back that control.”

He added that similar acts of sabotage in Lithuania could be linked to those in Poland and that “a large-scale operation to eliminate these threats” was underway.

The prime minister said that “sometimes they (the suspects) are people from the criminal world. And this applies to Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish citizens alike.”

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