
Iconic Polish Fiats head to Italy to commemorate Monte Cassino battle

Photo: PAP/Łukasz Gągulski
Photo: PAP/Łukasz Gągulski
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Sobiesław Zasada, a 94-year-old legendary Polish racer, is leading an expedition of eight iconic Fiat 126p cars from the southern city of Krakow to Italy’s Monte Cassino, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the fierce WWII battle.

In celebration of this significant anniversary, Zasada and his team plan to traverse 1,700 kilometers over three days, arriving in Italy to partake in memorial ceremonies.

These red and white vintage cars, aged 40 years and affectionately nicknamed “Maluch” (“Little One”), represent a beloved symbol of Polish heritage.

The journey will culminate on May 18 with a tribute at the Monte Cassino Polish War Cemetery, where participants will lay flowers to honor the memory of the Polish soldiers who bravely fought and sacrificed in 1944.

“The 80th anniversary of Monte Cassino is a poignant reminder of the heavy toll paid by Polish forces to secure a critical victory during World War II,” Zasada said, adding that the battle put a significant toll on Polish troops.

During the Battle of Monte Casino, over 923 Polish soldiers were killed, with 2,931 wounded and 345 missing, in a grueling campaign to seize the strategic monastery hill from German defenders.

On May 18, 1944, following the extremely fierce fight, soldiers of the Polish 2nd Army Corps captured the hill with the monastery.
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