
Poland to increase budgets of key security agencies, says PM

Photo: PAP/Adam Hawałe
Photo: @MichalSztybel via X
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Poland’s coalition government is to allocate an extra 100 million złoty (23.42 million euro) to the Internal Security Agency (ABW) and the Intelligence Agency (AW), the prime minister said on Tuesday.

Donald Tusk made the announcement following a Cabinet meeting, adding that ABW offices that had earlier been closed down would be reopened. In 2017, the Beata Szydło-led Law and Justice government closed down 10 of the country’s 15 regional ABW branches. Earlier this year, the coordinator of Poland’s security services, Tomasz Siemoniak, indicated that many of them may be reinstated.

“It is worth highlighting that one of the Agency’s key tasks is Poland’s counterintelligence protection,” Siemoniak said in January.

Prime Minister Tusk confirmed on Tuesday that the Cabinet had decided to reopen ABW offices around the country, but said this would require extra funds.

He added that the Intelligence Agency had suffered in recent years.

“"According to the leadership of the Intelligence Agency, the past years have significantly undermined the efficiency of AW operation," Tusk said.

"With this in mind, I have taken a decision today to allocate 100 million złoty from the prime minister's reserves, but we'll be looking for other funding so that we don't increase the budget deficit in any way," he continued.
Source: PAP, infosecurity24.pl
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