
Israeli Ambassador slams Poland over UN vote on Palestine

The UN General Assembly approved the Palestinian bid for full membership, with 143 votes in favor, 9 against, and 25 abstentions. However, Israel's ambassador to Poland, Yakov Livne, criticized Poland’s support of the resolution, claiming it benefits Hamas and Iran. Livne also called the vote ‘wrong and harmful.’

Among the countries supporting Palestine’s rapprochement with the UN, Poland was prominent. The Polish ambassador to the UN, Krzysztof Szczerski, stated that “Poland has been supporting the aspirations of the Palestinian people for self-determination and statehood for decades.” In 1988, Poland recognized Palestine’s declaration of independence.

“We also stand for peace and stability in the Middle East. Both Palestinians and Israelis have been living in fear and suffering for too long,” Szczerski assessed. He pointed out that Poland is ready, with the participation of the parties, regional partners and international ones, to promote a return to the diplomatic process leading to a negotiated two-state solution based on internationally agreed parameters.
Two-state solution

He also added that the prospect of a two-state solution seems to be further away than ever. “That’s why we should continue to support the statehood of Palestine in accordance with international law. As a long-standing advocate of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of nations in accordance with the UN Charter, Poland expresses satisfaction that the adopted document provides for additional rights and privileges for Palestine,” he stated.

He also emphasized that Poland sees the “enriched” status as another step in Palestine’s pursuit of full membership in the UN.
“Dangerous precedent”

The decisions made by the Polish authorities have been commented on by the Israeli ambassador in Poland, Yakov Livne, who has already made several shocking statements. It’s important to note that this is not the first time Livne has made statements that have angered the Polish nation. His controversial remarks have previously sparked significant reactions.

“Poland supporting Palestine’s membership in the UN after the massacre of 7.10 is: 1. A dangerous precedent of rewarding the aggressor. 2. Continuation of the anti-Western decision of 1988 under the leadership of the Soviets to recognize the ‘Palestinian state’. 3. Rewarding Iran and Hamas against the position of the USA and Israel. 4. Complete violation of the UN Charter for political purposes. This decision is wrong and harmful to security, stability and Poland” - he wrote on the X service.
Questions following controversial comments

The Deputy Speaker of Poland’s lower house, the Sejm, Krzysztof Bosak, decided to respond to these remarks. He was clearly upset by the diplomat's comment. The politician did not mince his words.

“I’m starting to wonder if continuing the diplomatic mission of this boor in Poland is more disadvantageous for Poland or for Israel?”

“By the way, in recent years, we have witnessed an interesting accumulation of various diplomatic blunders in Poland, committed by ambassadors from several different countries. Against this backdrop, it is worth appreciating the skill of ambassadors who work quietly, do not create an excess of confusion around them, but deal with specific issues or simply perform their mission correctly. They represent their countries without any scandals, in a more 'boring' and predictable way,” he added.

A diplomatic crisis has arisen between Poland and Israel due to the accidental death of a 35-year-old Polish aid worker in Gaza on April 1. He was among seven people killed while delivering food to Palestinians. Israel termed the incident a “mistake” due to misidentification. Public opinion was also outraged by the fact that the Israeli Ambassador did not apologize for the incident immediately and his somewhat coerced apology was made only after being summoned by Poland's Foreign Ministry.

In response to this incident, Israel’s ambassador to Poland, Yacov Livne, pushed back at what he said were attempts by the “extreme right and left in Poland” to accuse Israel of “intentional murder in the attack.” He stated on social media that “anti-Semites will always remain anti-Semites, and Israel will remain a democratic Jewish state that fights for its right to exist. Also for the good of the entire Western world.”

Tensions grew as one month later, a 16-year-old individual was apprehended following an attempt to set fire to the Nożyk Synagogue in Warsaw by throwing a Molotov cocktail at the building. This attack was denounced by several figures, including President Andrzej Duda, Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich, and the ambassadors of Israel and the United States.
Source: Fakt
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