
Foreign Minister urges Poland to follow Finnish and Estonian civil defense models

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Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has heaped praise on Estonia’s and Finland’s civil defense models whilst subtly reminding the public that Poland had only suspended conscription, rather than abolishing it outright.

The Foreign Minister was speaking following a meeting with Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, and his Estonian opposite number, Margus Tsahkna. Hailing both Finland and Estonia for their civil defense strategies, Sikorski said: “I think we should draw on the best models where they are found.”

On the subject of Finland, Sikorski credited the nation’s readiness to respond to a military emergency whilst also highlighting the number of civilian bunkers available to the public. Estonia, meanwhile, found itself hailed by Sikorski for its “impressive reserve system”.

Having never relinquished national service, Estonia today boasts a large number of trained reserves. Sikorski used the opportunity to remind the public that national service had only been suspended in Poland rather than scrapped. “As a militarist, I believe that short military training would be useful to everyone and in a non-discriminatory formula," he added.
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