
‘Viva Polonia’: PM praises Poland for being ‘European leader’

PAP/Jarek Praszkiewicz
PAP/Jarek Praszkiewicz
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Poland’s prime minister has said the country should feel ‘proud’ and praised it for being ‘a leader in Europe’.

Speaking at the European Economic Congress in Katowice on Tuesday, Donald Tusk said: “Never in the history of the European Union have the main political forces, institutions, and political leaders been so unanimous when it comes to priorities, what is most important, what needs to be done in Europe, in Poland, in every other country here and now, without a moment's hesitation.”

“Poland is today the European leader in matters that concern the future of Europe, the future of all Europeans, from security to a common-sense approach to what European institutions, procedures, and how to use European money are for.”

He went on to say that Poland was a leader “in something that is absolutely priceless and of which we have reasons to be proud… it is a leader in a Europe of what is often so elusive, this spirit of freedom, this faith in the power of democracy despite circumstances.”
The Prime Minister added that it was in Poland that faith and hope for freedom and independence were born in this part of Europe decades ago.

He said, “It was Poland that sent a very strong signal that Europe, democracy, freedom, law—these are not empty words; these are great values worth living for, worth working for.”
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