
“We will not protect draft dodgers” says Polish Minister

Young Ukrainian servicemen stand to attention - Foreign Minister Kuleba has promised "a fairer approach" to conscription. (PAP/Abaca)
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Leading Polish politicians have pledged to support Ukraine while debate continues to rage on the extension of residency permits for male Ukrainian nationals living in Poland. “We will not protect draft dodgers,” declared the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrzej Szejna.

On April 16th President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a bill overhauling the rules regarding mobilization. A week later, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba expanded on these by announcing “a fairer approach” to conscription. Rounding on men of fighting age who had moved abroad, Kuleba stated that Ukraine would temporarily cease providing consular services for those of call-up age.

“A man of conscription age went abroad, showed his state that he does not care about its survival, and then comes and wants to receive services from this state. It does not work this way. Our country is at war,” he said.

The issue has proved particularly pertinent in Poland which has seen a large influx of Ukrainians since the war began. Now, Polish politicians have weighed in and promised to help the Ukrainian government if requested following an earlier meeting of the Council of Ministers.

Asked if Poland could potentially suspend the extension of residency permits to Ukrainian men aged between 18 and 60, Andrzej Szejna told TVP Info: “We will not protect draft dodgers.” He added, however, that as yet no official position had been reached, and that the government had received no communication from Kyiv on the matter.

Discussing the issue, the Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Ministry of National Defense, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, said: “If Ukraine asks for our support, we will provide it.”

Continuing, Kosiniak-Kamysz stressed that the suspension of residency permits would only be truly effective if a coordinated approach was adopted across Europe as a whole. “Solutions on a European level would ensure the full effectiveness of this action,” he said.
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