
Poland’s position in Europe stronger after joining EU: Tomasz Orłowski for TVP World

As Poland gears up to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its accession to the European Union, it is timely to examine what has happened since then within Poland as well as Poland’s influence in the international arena of politics. To discuss this, TVP Word was honored to host Tomasz Orłowski - a person carrying immense political experience, having held three ambassadorships and various ministerial positions.

Orłowski recounted how since May 1, 2004, the day when Poland joined the EU, Poland’s position within the institution has significantly strengthened. He particularly emphasized how Polish leaders have been able to assume some of the most important positions within EU institutions.

“We [Poles- TVP World] got the President of the European Parliament [Jerzy Buzek]. We got the President of the European Council [Donald Tusk, current Prime Minister of Poland- TVP World].” He highlighted that Tusk during his presidency of the Council assisted events as vital as the G7 summits.

He expects that during the next summit of the EU, where a lot of crucial discussions are expected to take place, Poland’s position will be even stronger.

He also stressed the importance of the upcoming elections of the European Parliament, scheduled to take place on June 9, 2024, for three main reasons. First, he pointed out that “these are the second largest elections in the world, after the elections in India,” and secondly, because there have been a growing number of reports of Russia attempting to influence the results of the elections. Thirdly, Orłowski, said that these elections are important because of the growing wave of Populism within certain European countries, adding that “Poland is well placed for shunning that populism.” A lot, therefore, would depend on the results of these elections.
Source: TVP World
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