“There are various things which are a challenge for Ukrainian authorities, but the issue is of great importance, and I’m sure the Polish authorities will try to help… but it’s not as simple as it sounds,” former NATO official Robert Pszczel told TVP World during an interview regarding changes to conscription in Ukraine and their impact on Poland.
Robert Pszczel began as a journalist in 1988 before joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an expert in European institutions. He later served in various roles within NATO, focusing on media relations and public diplomacy until 2015. After leaving NATO in 2021, he joined the Center for Eastern Studies as a principal specialist in January 2024.
The second guest was military analyst Jeff Hawn, with degrees in international relations from American University and a certificate in Russian studies from St. Petersburg State University. He previously worked in Washington DC as a Policy Correspondent for RCR Wireless and as a global intelligence analyst for Stratfor. He is currently a PhD Student and Guest Teacher at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
The second guest was military analyst Jeff Hawn, with degrees in international relations from American University and a certificate in Russian studies from St. Petersburg State University. He previously worked in Washington DC as a Policy Correspondent for RCR Wireless and as a global intelligence analyst for Stratfor. He is currently a PhD Student and Guest Teacher at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Source: TVP World
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