
Slovakian MFA rejects EU’s migration pact

Slovakia’s Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that the government in Bratislava rejects the EU’s migration pact on mandatory relocation of illegal migrants.

The Foreign Ministry asserted that EU countries should decide for themselves on the form of assistance for countries struggling with migration pressures.

The Slovak government disagrees with the principle of solidarity, which provides for the compulsory admission of illegal migrants to its territory.

According to Foreign Minister Juraj Blanár, the migration policy reform was adopted despite opposition from the Slovak Republic.
Blanár stated that the new pact is not a sustainable solution in the long term, as Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, and Slovenia have pointed out.

According to the Slovakian Foreign Ministry, the Schengen zone’s protection against illegal immigration is not sufficient, and the new migration pact will not solve the problem.

The European Parliament approved the migration pact on Wednesday, which involves providing support to countries under migratory pressure, but relocation is to remain voluntary.
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