
Polish Health Ministry preparing bill to ban disposable e-cigarettes

Photo: Matt Cardy/Getty Images.
Photo: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images.
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Poland’s Ministry of Health is working on a bill banning the sale of disposable e-cigarettes, with a view to having the legislation ready in April, the health minister, Izabela Leszczyna, said on Thursday.

Leszczyna was asked at a press conference when the law, which was announced in late February, would be ready.

“I discussed this subject exactly a month ago with the prime minister and got the green light,” she said, adding that single-use e-cigarettes are currently “the greatest threat, especially to young people,” who under existing laws should not be allowed to buy them.

“But unfortunately, we know that the reality is different,” she said.

The minister went on to explain that the products represent a health threat as “we do not know exactly what is in these disposable containers,” which she also said have “disastrous effects on the planet, on the environment.”

“After a single use they are simply thrown away,” she added, adding that the European Commission would have to be notified of the laws being worked on.

Leszczyna said the bill’s original March deadline was unrealistic as the ministry had been busy fulfilling election promises including legislation on in vitro fertilization and the ‘morning after’ contraceptive pill.

“So surely not in March, but certainly the deadline is April,” she said.

Use of e-cigarettes in Poland

In 2022, 32 million disposable e-cigarettes were sold in Poland and in 2023 the number rose to over 100 mln, putting the product’s market value at PLN 2 billion (EUR 460 mln).

According to the World Health Organisation, one in five cigarettes sold globally is a disposable e-cigarette. Market research has shown that one in four Poles under 18 have used disposable e-cigarettes or other tobacco alternatives.
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